Purchasing Options


Starting at $18,000

For customers with liquidity, people who prefer traditional payment methods, or individuals who prefer quick and simple purchases.
Purchasing a solar system with cash has several benefits:

1.- Maximum Financial Savings: Paying cash for a solar system eliminates interest payments and financing fees associated with loans or leases, leading to the highest possible return on investment over the system's lifespan.

2.- Ownership: You own the solar system outright from day one, allowing you to benefit fully from any energy savings and potential incentives.

3.- Incentives: Cash buyers can take full advantage of federal, state, and local incentives, such as the federal solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC), which can significantly reduce the overall cost of the system.

4.- No Monthly Payments: Unlike loans or leases, there are no monthly payments to worry about, which simplifies your financial planning and increases your monthly cash flow.

5.- Increase in Property Value: Owning a solar system can increase your property’s value, as buyers may be willing to pay more for a home with reduced energy costs.

6.- Immediate Savings: With no loan payments, you start saving on your electricity bills immediately, leading to quicker financial benefits.

7.- Long-term Benefits: Solar systems typically last 25-30 years, providing decades of reduced or eliminated electricity bills after the initial investment is recouped.

8.- Energy Independence: Owning your system gives you greater control over your energy production and usage, potentially providing a hedge against future energy price increases.

9.- Maintenance and Reliability: High-quality solar systems are generally low maintenance, and many come with long-term warranties, ensuring reliability over the system's lifespan.

Purchasing a solar system with cash can be an excellent option for those with the financial means, offering significant long-term savings and benefits.
Purchasing Options


Starting at $107 per Month

Finance with low rates as low as 2.99 APR*

We have more than 100 Financing Options.

We work with 8 different trusted banks.

A solar loan is a financing option that allows homeowners or businesses to borrow money to purchase a solar energy system. This is ideal for customers who understand the value of owning a system, and pay over time. Your payment will be directly based on credit approval and the production and performance of the system.

*Depends on qualifications

Key Features:

1.- Ownership: The borrower owns the solar energy system outright once the loan is paid off.

2.- Cost: The borrower repays the loan through monthly installments, which can be structured over varying terms, typically 5 to 20 years.

3.- Interest Rates: Interest rates on solar loans can vary based on creditworthiness, loan term, and lender, but they are often competitive with other types of financing.

4.- Maintenance: The borrower is responsible for the maintenance and operation of the solar energy system.


1.- Financial Savings: Solar loans can result in significant long-term savings on energy bills compared to leasing or PPAs, especially once the loan is paid off.

2.- Incentives: Borrowers can take advantage of federal, state, and local incentives, such as the federal solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC), which can reduce the overall cost of the system.

3.- Increase in Property Value: Owning a solar energy system can increase the value of the property.

4.- Fixed Monthly Payments: Loan payments are typically fixed, providing predictability in budgeting.

5.- No Upfront Costs: Like leases and PPAs, solar loans often require little to no money down, making solar energy accessible without large initial expenditures.

By financing a solar energy system through a loan, customers can enjoy the benefits of solar energy, such as reduced utility bills and energy independence, while eventually owning the system and reaping long-term financial rewards.
Purchasing Options


Starting at $97 per Month

Better Option - For people with no Tax liability.

You can still take advantage of the savings
A Solar Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) is a financial arrangement in which a third-party developer owns, operates, and maintains a solar energy system, and a customer agrees to host the system on their property and purchase the system’s electric output for a predetermined period.
Here are the key features:

1.- Ownership: The third-party developer owns the solar energy system.

2.- Cost: The customer pays for the electricity generated by the system at a fixed rate, which is typically lower than the local utility rate.

3.- Maintenance: The developer is responsible for the installation, operation, and maintenance of the solar energy system.

4.- Duration: The agreement usually lasts for 10 to 25 years, after which the customer can renew the PPA, have the developer remove the system, or purchase the system at fair market value.

PPAs can provide customers with immediate savings on their energy bills and reduce their carbon footprint without the upfront costs or ongoing maintenance responsibilities associated with owning a solar energy system.
Purchasing Options


Starting at $101 per Month

Monthly Fixed Rate

You can still take advantage of the savings
For customers with No Tax liability and individuals who don't want to deal with maintenance services. The third party takes charge.
A Solar Lease is an agreement in which a homeowner or business rents a solar energy system from a third-party provider. Here are the main features:

1.- Ownership: The third-party provider owns the solar energy system.

2.- Cost: The customer pays a fixed monthly fee to lease the system, regardless of the amount of electricity produced.

3.- Maintenance: The provider is responsible for the installation, operation, and maintenance of the solar energy system.

4.- Duration: Solar leases typically last for 10 to 25 years. At the end of the lease term, the customer can renew the lease, purchase the system at fair market value, or have the provider remove the system.

A solar lease allows customers to benefit from solar energy without the upfront costs of purchasing a system. Instead, they make consistent monthly payments while the provider handles all aspects of the system's performance and maintenance.
Purchasing Options


Unique Hybrid Option

For customers who don’t want a Lease or get a PPA

Not many companies offer this option

For people that would like to own their system, but don't pay taxes..

With this option, you can own your system and assign the Tax liability, get an upfront discount equivalent to a Tax Credit*
Own your assets and enjoy an upfront discount.

*Rates may vary, depending on financing options available.